1. Introduction to the Course:
- The IT industry: overview
- Basic concepts and software development lifecycle
- How software is created: from idea to product on the market (simple introduction to the Waterfall development process)
- Project: what it is
- Roles and members of a project team
- Software that Solvd tests and its application
2. QA Basics:
- The concept of testing and typical myths
- How to grow professionally in testing
- QA skills and why it is important to develop attentiveness at the start
3. SDLC: major stages and popular models. Practical part: describe the life cycles of day-to-day activities.
4. A waterfall development life cycle and iterative life cycle. The responsibilities of a testing team at different stages.
5. Types of testing:
- Detailed classification
- Black box vs. white box
- AdHoc vs. exploratory testing
6. Types of test documentation, its hierarchy and links between documents. Test documentation and how to maintain it in Confluence. Real examples: from a test plan to a defect report.
7. Making test cases and checklists. The key differences in use cases and what cases to use with checklists and test cases. Test analysis and risk-based testing.
8. Designing test cases based on User Story/Flow Diagram/Specification. Test case management system on the example of Trail. UI elements and gestures. Practical task: create test cases in Trail.
9. Methods of test analysis:
- Positive/negative
- Equivalency classes
- Domain testing
- Exploratory testing
Practical task: create test cases in TestRail using the described methods. 1. How to search and document defects. The life cycle of a defect. The main fields of the defect report. Priority vs. severity.
2. Bug tracking systems: Jira and Trello. The life cycle of project tasks and how to track them all way from creating to closing. Responsibilities of team members in the context of a bug-tracking process. Practical task: search for ad-hoc bugs on the web and make an accurate bug report in JIRA/Trello.
3. Agile methodologies. Scrum vs. Kanban. Agile testing.
4. Test: Section 1.